In September 2014, we started our gatherings with a special passion for caring for our neighbourhood, Churchill Meadows, and its surrounding communities in Mississauga. Now because of God's love for us, we are motivated to serve one another in community and live out Jesus' mission to love our neighbours.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
- John 10:10

We gather every Sunday morning to worship Jesus and prepare to live out his mission throughout the week
We go as Missional Communities each week by living as a family, discipling one another and loving our neighbours
We grow in DNA Groups as we study the Scriptures and encourage each other with the gospel
We generously give our time, talent, and our treasure because Jesus gave first
We believe structure and programs are important, but only if they help us grow. Just as a gardener puts effort into building a strong trellis, his real ambition is to see his plants grow. Therefore, at The Meadows Church, we limit programming and are deeply convicted that for a disciple of Jesus to flourish they must be actively involved in Gathering, Going, Growing and Giving.
Sunday is not the end of the week, but the beginning! Therefore, we rise on Sunday to worship the risen Jesus as a large family together. This is like our weekly family reunion where we are joined by guests from all religious and cultural background. We connect with one another, play music, pray, and listen to the preaching of God's Word. All of this prepares us to live out God's mission throughout the rest of the week.
Sunday is not enough. In the way Jesus sent out his disciples as communities into the communities around them, we go as Missional Communities. These are small communities of 8-20 people who are committed to living as a family who eat together, take care of one another, disciple each other, and share the love of Jesus to others. Each MC is a family of missionary disciples!
Within our Missional Communities, groups of 2-4 people - men with men, and women with women - meet together to build each other up with the Scriptures. We call these our DNA Groups where we Discover God's truth, Nurture those truths into our hearts, and Act upon what we learned. This is where we see the gospel take hold of our lives and produce deep change.
As Jesus gave of himself completely for us, we do the same for him. We give our Time, Talent, and our Treasure to God, one another, and our neighbours. We get involved knowing that the Spirit of God sustains us as we follow Jesus' example of humble service and love for others.
We believe that all we do should be motivated by the gospel. The true historical event of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection as described in the Bible has changed everything. It has brought life, healing, and hope to those who are dying, broken and are without true joy. Therefore, we point people to God because of God by the power of God.
Jesus calls us to himself, but also sends us back out to share and show his life-changing love to others. We are focused on pointing people to Jesus by any means because only He gives us access to the abundant life found in God.
God sent His Spirit to dwell in everyone who follows Jesus to guide, direct, and point back to God's Word. We believe we must then rely on God through prayer as we only are able to do great things because of His power in us.
We uphold the Bible as the perfect Word of God. It is our foundation for our beliefs.
To read our Statement of Faith, follow the link to our core beliefs.
MeadowsCentral is our way of sharing our VISION with those who want to get involved at The Meadows. Preview the primer and see how our beliefs turn into action as we live out Jesus mission together.
Our church is affiliated with a larger movement of like-minded churches across Canada. To read more about our family of churches, follow the link to Fellowship National for what we are doing nationally and internationally and to FEB Central for what is taking place within our province.
In January 2014, Graeme, his wife Julie, and their daughter Hailey felt God calling them to move to Mississauga to lead a group of Christians to plant The Meadows Church. Both Graeme and Julie studied at Heritage College and Seminary and have been serving in church planting ever since. The Melvin family continues to grow with the addition of Isaiah in 2016.

Benson Alexander
In the Summer of 2017, Benson joined The Meadows Church as an intern. He was born in India and grew up in the Middle East. He has a great passion for evangelism and church planting. Benson graduated from Heritage College in 2019 and is currently completing his Master of Divinity in Global Mission and Intercultural Studies at Tyndale University. Benson came on staff in February 2022 as a Pastoral Assistant and continues to serve at The Meadows Church with great joy discipling others, preaching God's Word, and sharing the gospel to our neighbours.

Noel and his wife Joyce are the perfect examples of servant leaders. For almost their whole lives they have served in various roles in lay ministry. Noel has been an elder since the launch of The Meadows. It is their passion to see the church multiply as a family.