When you drive a car, if you just look ahead, you won’t know what is all around you. The same is true of living in our culture. If we do not take the time to stop and looking around us, we won't realize how much our beliefs about life are really being shaped by culture and not by God's truth.
This Summer, we will be looking at 8 hot topic issues that our Canadian culture is currently facing. From using marijuana to the pursuit of happiness, from marriage to genders, we will cover a large variety of important topics that we need to see from God's perspective.
What to Do with Weed?
July 1st, 2018
What Are We Living For?
July 8th, 2018
Who Makes Up Right and Wrong?
July 15th, 2018
Marriage and Who is it for?
July 22nd, 2018
Who Determines Gender?
July 29th, 2018
Does Gender Matter?
Aug 5th, 2018
Who Needs Help?
Aug 12th, 2018
Is an Unborn Life a Person?
Aug 19th, 2018
What Do We Do with Government?
Aug 26th, 2018
Communism or Communion?
Sept 2nd, 2018