We GO in Missional Communities as a family of disciples on mission.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
- Matthew 28:19-20
A Missional Community (MC) is a family of families who covenant together promising to care for one another as a family while fulfilling a common mission to reach their neighbours.
The goal is to GO together and live out three key identities that God has given his followers. The identities are Family, Disciple and Missionary

Through Jesus, the Father adopts us into His family. MCs take seriously the idea that we ought to love each other like family. We eat together, celebrate together, laugh together, mourn together, and set our schedules together.
Every follower of Jesus is called to be an imitator of Jesus. This takes God's power and the church's help. MCs provide both formal and informal times to encourage one another with the gospel to walk with Jesus.
Some of Jesus' last words were a commission directing his followers to go into the world to spread the good news about God's saving grace. Jesus sent them out, not as individuals, but as communities with the power of the Holy Spirit.

A DNA Group ideally consists two or three people—men with men, women with women— from the same Missional Community, who meet together once a week to disciple one another. The goal is to help one another to DISCOVER Jesus in the Scriptures, NURTURE the truths of the gospel in our hearts, and faithfully ACT on what the Spirit calls us to do.
Families who eat together, stay together. Once every week or two, each Missional Community gathers in a home for dinner and fellowship. We get to spend time together, hear how life is going, get to know each other, and informally encourage one another. This is a time for all ages to interact. We also use these meals to invite in friends and neighbours who may not know Jesus yet. These provide wonder oppurtunites for those outside of the church to see the love of Christ that we have for each other.
Each Missional Community finds a common mission to live out together. We want to be a light in our community and that light shines brighter when we work at it together. Whether volunteering together, putting on a program, or being intentional to bless a community in the neighbourhood, there are many opportunities we can be the hands and feet of Jesus together.